Puestos disponibles en Ingeniería Sísmica, Estudiantes de doctorado
El grupo de Estructuras Históricas y de Albañilería (HMS) del Instituto de Sostenibilidad e Innovación en Ingeniería Estructural (ISISE), Universidad de Minho, Portugal, planea abrir hasta tres puestos de estudiantes de doctorado (duración del contrato prevista para 3 años).
Positions available on Earthquake Engineering, Beyond Sustainability and Structural Health Monitoring (PhD Students)
The Historical and Masonry Structures (HMS) group of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), University of Minho, Portugal, plans to open up to three PhD student positions (duration of the contract planned for 3 years).
The positions will focus on (i) Seismic assessment of the out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures, (ii) Development and validation of New European Bauhaus indicators for Cultural Heritage projects (Sustainable, Beautiful, Inclusive)and (iii) Vibration-based damage-identification methodologies for post-earthquake assessment of historic masonry structures.
(i) Seismic assessment of the out-of-plane behavior of masonry structures:
Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering or Earthquake Engineering. A strong background in structural dynamics and masonry structures with a passion for experimental analysis, numerical modelling, code-based assessment, or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.
(ii) Development and validation of New European Bauhaus indicators for Cultural Heritage projects (Sustainable, Beautiful, Inclusive):
Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Architecture,Civil Engineering or similar. A good understanding of sustainability assessment tools(e.g. BREEAM®, LEED® or SBTool) or resilience tools (e.g. REDi or City Resilience Index), or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.
(iii) Vibration-based damage-identification methodologies for post-earthquake assessment of historic masonry structures:
Necessary qualifications: MSc degree in Civil Engineering, Earthquake Engineering or similar.A strong background in structural dynamics and experience in non-destructive and/or destructive testing, structural health monitoring, programming, or similar qualifications, would be considered an asset.
Students completing their MSc degree in the next months are invited to demonstrate their interest in the position.
If interested, please send your résumé with a copy of the BSc and MSc certificates to Dr. Alberto Barontini (albe.barontini@gmail.com), indicating the topic of yours interest, until July 30th (23:59 Lisbon time / WEST). If your MSc certificate is not yet issued, please provide your current course certificate and GPA