Archivo por meses: septiembre 2016

III Premio Ibérico de Investigación sobre Arquitectura Tradicional, Decisión del Jurado

O Presidente da Fundação Convento da Orada (FCO), o Presidente da Fundación Cultural do Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Léon (FUNCOAL)  o Presidente da Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal e a Presidente da Fundación Antonio Font de Bedoya, instituidores da III Edição do Prémio Ibérico de Investigação da Arquitectura Tradicional, têm a honra de informar sobre o resultado da atribuição do Prémio Ibérico e respetivas Menções Honrosas.

El Presidente de la Fundaçâo Convento da Orada, de la FUNCOAL del Colegio de Arquitectos de León, el Presidente de la Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal y la Presidente de la Fundación Antonio Font de Bedoya, organizadores de la III Edición del Premio Ibérico de Investigación sobre Arquitectura Tradicional, tiene el honor de informar sobre la concesión de este Premio y de las respectivas Menciones de Honor.

Na sequência de criteriosa seleção das 34 candidaturas submetidas ao Prémio Ibérico de Investigação da Arquitectura Tradicional, foram apurados 5 finalistas, dos quais foram selecionados o Prémio Ibérico 2015-2016 e quatro Menções Honrosas.

Tras el meticuloso análisis realizado sobre los 34 textos aspirantes  a conseguir este Premio quedaron seleccionados 5 finalistas,uno como mejor cualificado  y 4 para recibir unas merecidas Menciones de Honor.

O júri do Prémio Ibérico, na sua avaliação, considerou as investigações que melhor representavam o Prémio Ibérico e respondiam aos critérios de seleção definidos, nomeadamente o contributo para o conhecimento na problemática abordada; a originalidade e inovação na investigação; a fundamentação teórica através da revisão da literatura e da definição do estado da arte; a justificação assim como a qualidade das metodologias de investigação aplicadas.

El Jurado del Premio Ibérico ha elegido las investigaciones que representaban mejor el espíritu que ha motivado este Premio  porque contribuyen más adecuadamente con sus textos al conocimiento  del tema abordado, tanto por  la originalidad e innovación aplicadas y la fundamentación teórica mostrada mediante la revisión de la literatura como por el conocimiento del estado de la cuestión y la calidad del método investigador utilizado.

O elevado número de candidaturas e a qualidade geral das investigações submetidas dificultou a seleção final, da qual se destacou, por unanimidade, pela sua consistência e excelência, o Premiado desta III Edição.

El elevado número de candidaturas y la calidad general de éstas ha hecho que resultara difícil la selección final, de la que se han destacado, por unanimidad, dados sus méritos:

III Edição do Prémio Ibérico de Investigação da Arquitetura Tradicional 2015-2016:

III Edición del Premio Ibérico de Investigación sobre Arquitectura Tradicional 2015-2016

Prémio Ibérico                                                                        Premio Ibérico

(no valor de 3000 euros)                                                       (dotado con 3.000€)

                                 Autor: Pedro Miguel Jiménez Vicario

                                 Título: Vernácula modernidad

Menção Honrosa                                                                   Mención de Honor

(sem dotação económica)                                                    (sin dotación económica)

                                 Autor:  Lidia García Soriano

                                 Título: La restauración de la arquitectura de tapia de 1980 a la actualidad

Menção Honrosa                                                                    Mención de Honor

(sem dotação económica)                                                     (sin dotación económica)

                                 Autor:  Eloy Algorri García

                                 Título: El caso del hórreo cantábrico

Menção Honrosa                                                                     Mención de Honor

(sem dotação económica)                                                     (sin dotación económica)

                                  Autor:  Henrique António Abreu Rodrigues

                                  Título:  O caso da aldeia da Anta, Lamego

Menção Honrosa                                                                     Mención de Honor

(sem dotação económica)                                                      (sin dotación económica)

                                   Autor:  Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Pimenta de Almeida

                                   Título: Reabilitaçâo do patrimonio edificado  corrente

La ceremonia de entrega se celebrará el próximo lunes 3 de octubre, Día Mundial de la Arquitectura, a las 11:30h. en el Palacio de Pardo Aguado, calle Mayor nº 19 de Palencia, sede de la Universidad de Valladolid en el Campus de La Yutera, que colabora en este acto.

SOStierra2017. Call for abstracts

International Conference on Vernacular Earthen Architecture, Conservation and Sustainability
SOStierra 2017 | 3
rd VerSus | 3rd ResTAPIA – 14-16 of September 2017
Valencia – SPAIN

Universitat Politècnica de València and Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio have the pleasure to invite you to participate on the Vernacular Earthen Architecture, Conservation and Sustainability International Conference SOStierra2017 | 3rd VerSus | 3rd ResTAPIA, which will take place in Valencia, Spain, from the 14th to the 16th of September 2017.

 Abstracts can be submitted until the 1st of October 2016, at

Abstract structure and example of abstract format are available at:

The Organizing Committee of SOStierra2017 | 3rd VerSus | 3rd ResTAPIA is pleased to inform that CRC/Balkema, Taylor & Francis group will publish the proceedings of the International Conference.


ICOMOS-ISCEAH. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage
ICOMOS-CIAV. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Committee of Vernacular Architecture
ICOMOS-ISCARSAH. International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage
Chair UNESCO. Earthen Architecture, Building Cultures & Sustainable Development
PROTERRA. Iberian-American Network on Earthen Architecture and Construction


Topic 1: Vernacular earthen architecture.
Topic 2: Rehabilitation of vernacular earthen architecture.
Topic 3: Contemporary earthen architecture.
Topic 4: Restoration of monumental earthen architecture. 3rd ResTapia (International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation).
Topic 5: Lessons from vernacular heritage for a sustainable contemporary architecture. 3rd VerSus (International Conference on Vernacular Heritage, Sustainability and Earthen Architecture).
Topic 6: Structural analysis of vernacular architecture.


– To enhance the disciplinary scope and the state of the art of vernacular and earthen architecture research;
– To have a relevant contribution to knowledge regarding materials & constructive techniques, cultural heritage & building cultures, territory & environmental adaptation, energy efficiency & sustainable design, natural hazards & risk mitigation, education & research focus;
– To encourage academic and scientific research collaboration on vernacular and earthen architecture, while contributing to the improvement of the built environment.
– To contribute to sustainable development at national and international levels.
– To strength the exchange and discussion concerning the achievements learnt on the disciplinary area;
– To contribute to the reflection regarding the future for vernacular and earthen architecture in today’s world of rapid global change.
– To discuss internationally, the research focus needed to strengthen the scientific area;
– To establish methods and strategies to meet to respond to nowadays challenges.

Language for abstracts and papers: English

Languages for oral presentation: English and Spanish

Information available at:

El papel de nuestros Patronos

El pasado 10 de septiembre la Profesora Mariana Correia, arquitecta y Patrona de nuestra Fundación, pronunció la conferencia Local Knowledge and capacity building through community engagement en el Pabellón suizo de la Bienal de Venecia 2016, que dedica esta decimoquinta edición, desarrollada entre el 28 de mayo y el 27 de noviembre, a la Arquitectura social y responsable.

Taller sobre Morteros y revocos de tierra


10-15 October 2016_in Tertsa

The workshop will be held in the village of Tertsa, south Heraklion, in Crete, Greece. We will be hosted in a house in the middle of an amazing “jungle” of mango, pomegranate and papaya trees, lemongrass, grapevine and many more fascinating plants. The Libyan sea is at only 20 min walking distance through a path amongst old stones and banana trees.


–       Thick earthen plaster for thermal correction on the interior walls of the house.

–       Trials for final plaster and application.

–       Theoretical and practical class about earth as a building material & natural plasters (earth and lime)

–       Theoretical and practical class about natural farming.

Instructor and organisation of the workshop

Claire Oiry:  Architect, graduated from the 2-year formation “DSA Architecture de terre” in the School of Architecture of Grenoble, organised by CRAterre.

Helped by: Pauline Fradin, Artisan passionate about earth, ceramics and Mediterranean heritage.

Natural farming

The owner of the house: deeply involved in giving back to nature its wildness and abundance, he has been taking care of his garden and his self-made house for the last 15 years.

Participation fee:
150€ with vegetarian breakfast and lunch.

Ability to come only for the weekend (Friday-Saturday): 50€

Possibility to sleep inside the house or in a tent.

Info & registration:

Email :
Tel. +30 6986524058

click here to see our past projects
